So I woke up this morning and felt pretty rough. My head was hurting and I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. They felt so heavy and dry. I forced myself out of bed and walked down the hall to the bathroom only to realize that I needed to get some clean garments which are sitting in a pile of clean laundry on the chair in my room. My shower helped to wake me up a bit. As I got upstairs to start pulling together everything for school my sweet mom had a great breakfast just about ready to eat. While rummaging around trying to find my notebook I realized that it was gone. I looked high and low and couldn't find it which is a major problem because I have ALL of my notes in there for my classes. This is a major problem because I have finals coming up and I am totally ill-prepared for them and now without my notes, I don't know what I'm going to do.

This is a great pic of the lights!