It all started a few months ago when I started to think about asking for Meg's hand in marriage. As I looked forward at the calendar I saw that March 2 would fall on a Friday. This was perfect because it would be exactly six months since we first met. After realizing this, my attention soon moved on to other things and the proposal moved into the back of my mind.
Sunday the 26th of February rolled around and I realized that I hadn't made any preparations for the coming Friday. It was that Sunday night that I decided I was going do everything I could to make this happen.
Right after class on Monday I headed straight down to Shane Co. on the corner of State Street and 7200 South to take a look at some rings. I'm sure I had a look of total bewilderment as Cody (the ring specialist) walked over to help me out. We soon had my options narrowed down to two rings at which point Cody went into the vault to get a few diamonds. With the diamonds in the rings it was easier for me to make the final decision. At this point I realized that if I didn't leave soon I would be late to institute. (This would be bad because Meg would ask questions about why I was late and I didn't know how I would answer...) So I had them reserve the ring for me so I could come and make a down-payment on it later that day.

Tuesday I spent about 15 minutes working up the courage to call her dad to set up a time to ask him for permission to marry his daughter. I finally just dialed his number and went for it. I don't know why I was SO nervous about calling but I was. I soon had set to talk with him the next day at 11:00 am. Right as I hung up the phone I realized that my Wednesday class didn't get out til 10:50 and to make matters worse I had a test so I couldn't just miss it. I really didn't want to call and reschedule with John so I decided I would try to take my psychology test during my 9:00 history class.
I moved forward with my plan and waited outside my psychology class til my profesor showed up and asked her if I could take the test early and luckily she agreed. Following my test I headed straight up to the Ogden Regional Medical Center to talk to Meg's dad. I was surprised by how calm I was going in to talk to him. All in all it was a really great experience. After all, he did say yes. After institute Meg and I headed back to her place and I was having a very difficult time not telling her all about the visit I had with her dad. For the first time ever I wasn't totally bummed out when Meg had to leave for work. The reason being her ring was ready and all I needed to do was get a bit more money out of my savings account to finish paying for it and then drive down there to pick it up.
Somehow I managed to get everything done in a week and even more amazing than that, against all odds, I was able to keep all this information from Meg. I really don't know how I did it because not only do I talk to Meg about everything but I can't lie to her. But it happened!

Friday came and I had such a hard time focusing in class knowing what I was going to be doing in just a few hours. Once my classes were over I headed home and called up The Flower Patch to see if they had any cala lilies. (These are Meg's favorite flower) When I knew they did I headed down to pick up six of them, one for every month I've known Meg. Then it was off to pick her up for snowshoeing. When she opened the door and saw all her cala lilies I'm guessing she was pretty happy due to the fact that she promptly closed the distance between us and kissed me.
We pulled all our stuff together and headed up Big Cottonwood Canyon. The whole way up the canyon I was getting really anxious to get going on the trail. Soon enough we had our snowshoes on and were making our way up to Doughnut Falls. We ended up having to plow through a good eight inches of fresh snow for the last part which was very exhausting. When we finally made it up to the doughnut I was super nervous. I started to unpack my tripod and camera all the while wondering if I should just pop the question right there or wait to do it how I'd planned. I chose to do the latter. I got the tripod set up and had Meg stand off a little ways so I could get the camera focused. As she was walking away I quickly pulled the ring out of my camera bag and put it in my sweatshirt. I then set the timer and ran up to where Meg was standing. My mind was racing at this point and I felt like I was in a dream. I remember kneeling down in the snow and saying "Megan, will you marry me?" It's amazing to me how little I actually remember. I think I was just so nervous and excited and happy that it overloaded my senses. What followed was the happiest moment of my life up to this point. Meg said yes and I carefully slipped the ring I'd picked out onto her finger and gave/received the biggest and best hug ever!
If you want to here Meg's side of the story go
Such a sweet experience. Thanks to you both for sharing it. Wow! Always knew you were an awesome dude! May the blessings continue to flow down on both of you. :-)
ReplyDeleteV. Fryday
Congrats, Sam! I am very happy for you. I am sure she is a wonderful girl!