What a week it's been. I was so happy to spend a bunch of time with Meg. Yesterday (Monday) Meg and I were sitting at the dining room table "doing homework" which meant that she was semi focused on homework while I was totally distracted with Facebook and the such. I was looking around on Pinterest (yes i know it's crazy that I have a Pinterest account...don't worry about it) and I came across a wonderful thing. Molten Chocolate Cakes!
I showed them to Meg and she looked at the recipe and declared that we would make these after he class if I would go to the store and pick up some semi-sweet chocolate. I readily agreed. After taking her to class I headed to Dan's to get the chocolate and some vanilla ice cream.
Before picking up Meg I stoped by FHE to take some pictures of the dodgeball game unfolding there.
I also stopped by Victoria's house to pick up some souffle dishes for the cakes and ended up talking to her mom for a while which was fun due to the fact that I haven't seen her in ages. It was then off to get Meg from class and begin the adventure of making these cakes.
They were quite easy to make and tasted so good!

We ended up with and extra cake so we decided to take it back down to Victoria's along with the other three clean souffle dishes. When we got there Victoria invited us in. We ended up sitting and talking with her and Dallin (her boyfriend) for a good little while. It was great. Anywho, it was great fun.
Later last night I actually did do some homework. I had Meg help me practice the waltz for my ballroom class.
We also spent a good chunk of time taking pictures of ourselves using my cameras timer which waits for 10 seconds and then will take up to 10 consecutive pictures. It was like having our own personal photo booth!
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