So I was thinking about a lot of things last night as I was going to sleep. One thought/idea that kept coming back was that I wanted to write a little more about Christmas so that's what I'm going to do.
Megan and I have spent some time talking about what makes Christmas Christmas and what the best part of it is. We both agreed that one of the best parts of Christmas is giving gifts. I think it's so amazing how that has changed over the years. I remember so well the pure excitement leading up to Christmas morning and opening all my presents. Gradually I started to enjoy watching people open the gifts I'd given them more than opening my own. That's not to say that I don't enjoy being on the receiving end, it's just that there's a different feeling in
giving a gift than in

I've been working on Meg's present for a while. Over the course of our relationship we've taken a few pictures and a large number of them have been on my camera. There have been a few of them that I've kept for myself for the express purpose of giving them to Meg as gift. So that's just what I did. I know she loves to scrapbook so I made a bunch of 4x6 prints and put them in a little photo album. I also made an 11x14 print of my favorite picture of us and framed it. So on Christmas Eve we sat down by the fire in my front room to exchange gifts. We both had two part gifts so we took turns. I opened one first and found a scarf/hat combo and a pair of sunglasses. It made me smile because I'm always borrowing Meg's sunglasses when we're driving because I misplaced mine a few months back. I've also wanted a scarf for a while. She opened the photo album first. Next I opened her second gift. The first thing that was really neat was that she made the box for this gift via origami out of wrapping paper. Inside was a deck of cards. At first I was a little confused but after a little direction from Meg I turned the box over to see what was written. "52 things I love about you." I was slightly shocked, it a very good way. This was hands down my favorite gift of the season. It just reinforced my already powerful love for her. She opened her framed 11x14 and judging from her response I think she liked it. It was such an amazing evening.
Once all is said and done however, the most amazing gift we have all received is that of our Savior Jesus Christ. Only through Him can we be forgiven of our mistakes. Only through Him can we hope to live with our families and loved ones forever. Only through Him can we receive the ultimate gift of Eternal Life. Because of what He went through and suffered He is ready, willing and able to run to our aid durning the trials of this life.
Man my heart melts reading about your gifts Sam! You two are way too awesome.