So yesterday was my birthday and yet it already feels like it was forever ago. I think it may have something to do with the fact that it wasn't such an amazing day. Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't horrible or anything but it was just....not really that good. I feel that this needs some further explanation.
For the past couple of birthdays...well maybe starting at around number 17 or so, my birthdays have gone down-hill a bit. I've spent a lot of time thinking about why this is happening because I really wish it wouldn't. I mean birthdays are supposed to be these awesome happy days.
Funny enough, I think that's where part of the problem lies. Ever since I was little I've had pounded into my head that birthdays are these special days where you are almost king of your little part of the world. When I was younger, this worked out alright. I had birthday parties, lots of presents, and everything else that comes with a birthday. (It's amazing how self centered birthdays are!) However, now life doesn't slow down in the least for your birthday. It just keeps going.
Every year I try to not get my hopes up for anything to special on my birthday but every year I fail. This year was no exception. I tried so hard to not have any expectations but somehow I must have because yesterday was a bit of a disappointment. Once again, I must say that my birthday wasn't a terrible day, it just wasn't what I was hoping for. One of the problems is that I don't really know what I was hoping would happen so I don't know how to fix it.
I need to point out that there were some very good parts of my day. There were two main highlights of my day. First was when Megan came to say a quick happy birthday before she had to head off to Chrony Class. It was something I'd been looking forward to for most of the day. The other highlight was going home teaching. It was such an amazing spirit filled visit. In all truth those two happenings made the day pretty great.
Anyway, I don't know if this made any sense at all but I thought I'd get it out there. All in all, life is still great. It's crazy to think that I'm now 22. I was still getting used to 21, not to mention 19 and 20....