Memorial Day weekend was so fun! I'm going to attempt to go through it without boring anyone to death while still hitting on the best points.
Thursday was my last day of work which meant Friday was the beginning of a wonderful weekend. I drove up early Friday morning to Syracuse to meet up with Meg and her family for a quick breakfast before we went to the air show at Hill Air Force Base. This was a fun new experience for me and I loved it! Also Meg and I were called to speak on Sunday with a high councilor from her home stake up in Syracuse.
Lindsey and Adriana - Photo taken by Megan McFarland |
Thunderbirds |
Photo by Diana McFarland |
On Saturday Meg and I went and finished registering, went back to Syracuse, finished our talks for Sunday, had dinner with her family, went to Adriana's piano recital (she did a great job btw), and played a most wonderful game called "Don't eat Pete!" You set out a few M&M's and one person closes their eyes while everyone else decides which M&M is Pete. The person then proceeds to eat M&M's one at a time. When they reach for Pete everyone yells "Don't eat Pete!" It's a wonderful game.
Don't eat Pete |
I ended up sleeping up in Syracuse Saturday night so Sunday morning I got up and showered and put some finishing touches on my talk. We then headed off to 11:00 church to give our talks. It was such an amazing experience. I love speaking so much, especially when I get to speak with Meg. She's a wonderful speaking and it's such a joy to listen to her. After church we got ready to head up to drop Lindsey off at Oakcrest girls camp for the week and then continue on to Meg's cabin. It was quite cold up there. So cold that there was snow on the ground when we got there and tiny snow flurries. We made a great fire and roasted Meg's home-made marshmallows. These were also used in our hot chocolate. So good!
Meg's Cabin Sunday night |
The view off the back porch with snow |
Diana roasting one of Meg's chocolate-chip marshmallows |
Monday we cleaned up the cabin and got it all ready for the summer. Later in the day we went on a walk up to a little waterfall. It was so beautiful up there. I loved it. I spent a lot of time just lazing around, napping, cuddled up to Megan, and reading. It was so relaxing. I also think it's noteworthy to mention that there was a crane up there right off the back porch sitting on her eggs. Pretty neat.
The crane on her nest |
Puck loving life at the cabin |
Photo by Diana McFarland |
The waterfall - picture by Diana McFarland |
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